Paul, “Works of the Law” and MMT
The Parable of the Rich Man and Lazarus
“And on the seventh day God ended His work which He had done, and He rested on the seventh day from all His work which He had done. Then God blessed the seventh day and sanctified it, because in it He rested from all His work which God had created and made” (Genesis 2:2-3).
The Beginning and Ending of God’s Day
What is the meaning of Colossians 2:16-17?
Remember the Sabbath
Profaning the Sabbath Day
Shabbat - A Day for the Soul as well as for the Body
Baptism is a critical and fundamental step. It signifies the death of our carnal nature and our rebirth as a follower of Jesus Christ. It allows us to partake in the plan of eternal salvation set in motion by Jesus Christ. Finally, it is a public statement to the church and the world that the believer is turning away from fleshly lusts and dedicating his/her life to God.
In the book of Genesis, God's plan for humankind was to display Hid glory by creating two distinct genders that would cooperate together to represent God's dominion on earth. Family is at the center of Yehovah's Creation.
My Birth Story: A Testimony of God’s Hand at Work A Woman's Testimony on Childbirth
Christian Living
Humility in appearance: What does that mean?
Should followers of Christ celebrate birthdays?
Lord's Supper
Jesus himself instituted the memorial service He felt was appropriate and instructed those who believed in Him to observe it. He instituted the Lord’s Supper, or communion service, in memory of His death.
The Observance of the Lord’s Supper – Our Passover
Dietary Laws
The Church of God's beliefs on alcohol and tobacco
The following articles are excerpts from Hope Egan’s book : “Holy Cow”. In this book, you will find many more interesting insights on the topic of the biblical dietary laws from a Christian standpoint.
Clean and Unclean - There’s More on Leviticus 11
Jesus Declared All Foods Clean - There’s More on Mark 7:1-23
Peter’s Vision of the Sheet - There’s More on Acts 10
Nothing Is Unclean in Itself - There’s More on Galatians 2:10-15; 1 Corinthians 8-10 and Romans 14
Doctrine of Demons - There’s More on 1 Timothy 4:1-5 and Colossians 2:18-23
Daniel and The Book of Revelation by A.N. Dugger
Where Did Christ Go After His Ascension?
Paganism and Christmas: The Great Confusion
What laws and priesthood do we currently live under?
Who were the Magi who came to visit the infant Jesus?
Why did Matthew attribute words from the book of Zechariah to the prophet Jeremiah?
What are the Church’s beliefs regarding carnal warfare and military service?
The Ten Commandments and the Christ Jesus
Standing Up Against a Thousand
Two Appointments with God You Must Meet
Hebrews (Jews), Gentiles and circumcision in the apostolic writings
Death and Suffering: Who is the Cause?
Articles from The Advocate of Truth
The Advocate of Truth is the official organ of The Church of God (7th Day) with headquarters at Salem, West Virginia. It is published once a month on the fourth Monday of each month by The Advocate of Truth Press, Inc. PO Box 328, Salem, West Virginia 26426.
Walking in the Spirit – The Advocate of Truth
How Jesus Handled Stress - The Advocate of Truth
Salted with Fire - The Advocate of Truth
Living the Golden Rule - The Advocate of Truth
Four Conditions of Discipleship - The Advocate of Truth
Fruit of the Spirit - The Advocate of Truth
Obedience and Its Reward - The Advocate of Truth